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Voice of the Member eBook

votmebookHistorically, a duct-taped combination of surveys, email marketing platforms and human interaction were required for associations to engage in two-way communication with individual members.

As a result, many associations have stuck to outbound communications - broadcasting to members about the association instead of asking individuals what they need and want - and missing out on valuable context in the process. Long term, this strategy results in missed opportunities for revenue and deeper engagement. 

Our Voice of the Member e-book introduces the concept of Voice of the Member, which is part of the PropFuel engagement process: Ask, Capture and Act. Capturing the voice of each member tells you what your members are doing and what they need and want in real-time. No longer is there a need for guesswork based on what they purchased or clicked on in the past.

Download the ebook to understand the Voice of the Member concept and how it can be incorporated into your member communications strategy today!


PropFuel LLC, 2024